Friday, March 28, 2008
Attributing factors that cause Erectile Dysfunction
Today we will discuss some of the attributing factors that cause Erectile Dysfunction and how to overcome them.
Most men at least once in their life will have trouble achieving or maintaining an erection. It's completely normal. But it's something that most men don't understand. Just because you may not be able to achieve an erection does not mean you are Impotent of suffer Erectile Dysfunction. There are so many different factors that all have to link together just to create an erection, and there are so many factors that can effect the body to create one. What would cause this? Well, it might be any number of physiological reasons, like too much alcohol or side effects from medication. Or it might be a psychological factor, such as performance anxiety, anger or exhaustion. But the actual term "Impotence" refers to a condition whereby the man has an inability to get an erection and keep it (long enough to have intercourse) ALL OR MOST OF THE TIME. How common are male erectile problems? At least 50% of men past the age of 40 have some form of erection difficulties! These might be minimal, moderate or more serious. So, fear not, you're not alone.The primary factors associated with erection problems are, not surprisingly, aging and the illnesses that go along with it. These might be heart disease, prostate cancer, or diabetes. However, while impotence is strongly associated with age, it can often be reversed by lifestyle and behavioral changes.
There are reasonable steps you can take to prevent the onset of impotence:
Eat Lean. It is now widely believed that the most common cause of impotence is atherosclerotic plaque forming on the walls of the penile arteries - a consequence of high cholesterol. Stick to a lean, low-fat high-fiber diet. Highly Recommended!
Exercise. Working out and staying healthy, at any age for that matter, can absolutely aid you in the sexual department.
Many studies have found conclusive evidence that cigarette smoking adversely affects penis performance.
Chronic use of alcohol, marijuana and other drugs can easily impair your ability to produce an erection.
Erection problems are also highly associated with medications for high blood pressure, heart problems, and low blood sugar.
You have no physical ailments such as heart disease, diabetes or advance age. If it's determined that your problems are indeed psychological, your best bet is to seek professional help. Sex therapists, counselors and psychiatrists are trained in this matter, and more often than not, help their patients work through whatever difficulties may be causing their erection problems.
But what if your erection problems are physical, and not psychological? You won't really know for sure until you see a specialist. Still, these days there are several options available to you for treatment.
Viagra. So miraculous is this drug that we've devoted an entire section to it. (See further down on this page). This is your absolute best bet for restoring erections.
Other Pills and Medication. Start with Yohimbine, a sort of "love potion" with a history of restoring erections. It's cheap and has few side effects. There's also Trazodone, an antidepressant (with a brand name of Desyrel) that has been found to prolong erections.
Injection Therapy. With the advent of Viagra, injection therapy is not as popular as it once was. The procedure involves giving yourself an injection at the base of your penis with a small needle, which produces an erection lasting up to 2 hours.
Vacuum Devices. Pumps that draw blood into the penis and create an erection. They may produce a sometimes wobbly hard-on, but hard enough to get the job done.
Surgery. Not a prime consideration for treating impotence, but a consideration nonetheless.
Implants. Usually a last resort.
If you're having any sort of erection difficulties, first determine the cause. Treatment is much easier now than it used to be, so don't despair. Millions and millions of men share your problem. But fortunately, they also share your encouraging prospects for a solution.
Most men at least once in their life will have trouble achieving or maintaining an erection. It's completely normal. But it's something that most men don't understand. Just because you may not be able to achieve an erection does not mean you are Impotent of suffer Erectile Dysfunction. There are so many different factors that all have to link together just to create an erection, and there are so many factors that can effect the body to create one. What would cause this? Well, it might be any number of physiological reasons, like too much alcohol or side effects from medication. Or it might be a psychological factor, such as performance anxiety, anger or exhaustion. But the actual term "Impotence" refers to a condition whereby the man has an inability to get an erection and keep it (long enough to have intercourse) ALL OR MOST OF THE TIME. How common are male erectile problems? At least 50% of men past the age of 40 have some form of erection difficulties! These might be minimal, moderate or more serious. So, fear not, you're not alone.The primary factors associated with erection problems are, not surprisingly, aging and the illnesses that go along with it. These might be heart disease, prostate cancer, or diabetes. However, while impotence is strongly associated with age, it can often be reversed by lifestyle and behavioral changes.
There are reasonable steps you can take to prevent the onset of impotence:
Eat Lean. It is now widely believed that the most common cause of impotence is atherosclerotic plaque forming on the walls of the penile arteries - a consequence of high cholesterol. Stick to a lean, low-fat high-fiber diet. Highly Recommended!
Exercise. Working out and staying healthy, at any age for that matter, can absolutely aid you in the sexual department.
Many studies have found conclusive evidence that cigarette smoking adversely affects penis performance.
Chronic use of alcohol, marijuana and other drugs can easily impair your ability to produce an erection.
Erection problems are also highly associated with medications for high blood pressure, heart problems, and low blood sugar.
You have no physical ailments such as heart disease, diabetes or advance age. If it's determined that your problems are indeed psychological, your best bet is to seek professional help. Sex therapists, counselors and psychiatrists are trained in this matter, and more often than not, help their patients work through whatever difficulties may be causing their erection problems.
But what if your erection problems are physical, and not psychological? You won't really know for sure until you see a specialist. Still, these days there are several options available to you for treatment.
Viagra. So miraculous is this drug that we've devoted an entire section to it. (See further down on this page). This is your absolute best bet for restoring erections.
Other Pills and Medication. Start with Yohimbine, a sort of "love potion" with a history of restoring erections. It's cheap and has few side effects. There's also Trazodone, an antidepressant (with a brand name of Desyrel) that has been found to prolong erections.
Injection Therapy. With the advent of Viagra, injection therapy is not as popular as it once was. The procedure involves giving yourself an injection at the base of your penis with a small needle, which produces an erection lasting up to 2 hours.
Vacuum Devices. Pumps that draw blood into the penis and create an erection. They may produce a sometimes wobbly hard-on, but hard enough to get the job done.
Surgery. Not a prime consideration for treating impotence, but a consideration nonetheless.
Implants. Usually a last resort.
If you're having any sort of erection difficulties, first determine the cause. Treatment is much easier now than it used to be, so don't despair. Millions and millions of men share your problem. But fortunately, they also share your encouraging prospects for a solution.
erectile dysfunction,
herbal viagra,
weak erection
Sunday, March 23, 2008
There's nothing more frustrating for a female than getting all worked up into a heated frenzy while having sex, coming "this close" to orgasm... only to have the man cum before she gets there.We guys, we can't help it! Sometimes it feels TOO good.But in order to enhance your lovemaking skills (as well as your partner's pleasure), you really should learn how to hold out a little longer. Remember., it's better if BOTH partners are sexually satisfied.
In addition to the techniques we mentioned in the previous section, there are a few more simple things you can try to keep from ejaculating too soon:
Have Sex in the "Woman-on-Top" Position.
This position is great because she controls the rhythm, and you can't speed up the penetration tempo which men usually do before reaching orgasm. Also, this position is slightly less comfortable for the man because you're carrying the weight of the woman.This keeps you from getting too relaxed and draws your attention away from peaking.
Have Sex When You're Tired.
Being a little exhausted can make you hold out because you're less sensitive.
Wear a Condom.. or Two.
If you're having sex with a new partner, you should be wearing a condom anyway. Many men complain how wearing a rubber takes away the lack of sensation during sex. That's not necessarily a bad thing if you're trying to last a little longer.
Think About Baseball. Or anything for that matter!
This is a method that men have been using for centuries to delay ejaculation. If you feel yourself coming dangerously close to cumming, try and think of the names of the Seven Dwarfs or the capitol of Wyoming or dead puppies. Little brain-teasers like that may distract you long enough for your lady to reach the "Big O ".
Or If All These Fail To Help
There is a product that can help you, you can check it out here.
Cum too soon,
last longer,
Premature Ejaculation
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Best Penis Enlargement Methods
A mans Penis is directly proportionate to his other appendages, ie : fingers and toes , but the Penis is the only one that can be manipulated because it is made of soft spongy tissue and does not have a bone in it. There are several different methods that can be implemented to achieve a bigger penis, and these are what we are going to talk about today. These are also what are going to make you VERY popular with the opposite sex. Penis Power, in its broadest scope, encompasses every sexual function that your "man tool" is capable of. Yes, size is important. What guy doesn't wish he had a 15" dick? But no matter how big your tool is ... If you don't know how to use it, what good is it?
This section is devoted to all of those great secrets that will turn your mild mannered ordinary penis into a very powerful instrument.
Alright. Let's Begin.
The Program (Review each exercise if necessary)
Hot Compress (5 minutes)
Stretching Exercise (25 to 30 minutes)
Growth and Circulation Exercise (1 minute)
Jelqing Exercise (10 to 20 minutes)
Massage and Hot Application (5 to 10 minutes)
HOT COMPRESS (5 minutes)
Soak a wash cloth in hot-warm water, wringing out the excess water. Wrap the cloth around the shaft of your penis (either flaccid or erect). Hold it there a minute, then repeat a couple of times. Dry off your penis well. This will ensure a good grip for the exercises you're about to perform.
STRETCHING EXERCISE (25 to 30 minutes)
1. With the penis in its flaccid state, take one hand and grip firmly around the head of your penis. Be careful not to cut off too much circulation.
2. Pull your penis out directly in front of yourself. Stretch it as much as you can without causing pain or discomfort. Hold it there for 5 minutes. After each minute, pull it out slightly further each time.
3. Relax for one minute. "Twirl" your penis in a circular motion about 30 times. This gets the circulation flowing again.
4. Repeat Step Two again 4 times, except pull your penis in a different direction each time.. up, down, to the left, and to the right. After each 5 minute pull, repeat Step 3.
5. After you've completed 5 pulls (5 minutes each), pull your penis out directly in front of you one more time. Give it a good 1-minute stretch and 10 slight "tugs" outward, not jerking too hard.
Take the penis and whip it around gently. Whip it no more than 30 times, making sure you cup your scrotum with the other hand, otherwise it will bounce around and get hurt.
JELQING (MILKING) EXERCISE (10 to 20 minutes)
1. Using Massage Oil, Hemp Oil, or Vaseline for lubrication, slide your fingers over the skin of your penis and apply all over. A few drops of oil will last for several hundred strokes. Don't use soap or you'll be sore for days!
2. With your thumb and forefinger, squeeze the base of the penis shaft. Pull downward. Stop at the head. Repeat, alternating hands. Make each stroke last about three seconds.
3. When your penis becomes SEMI-ERECT, make the American "A-OK" sign with the thumb and forefinger of your left hand. With this hand, grip tightly around the base of your penis.
4. Starting from the base, pull the penis gently but firmly. Stretch downward and outward. You should still be in a semi-erect state. Make sure to touch the penis from the base to the head. Note that the head of your penis expands with blood.
5. Alternate both hands in a smooth rhythmic ("milking") motion, touching upon every part of the penis except the very top-middle part.
Do 200-300 strokes/day at medium strength for the first week.(10 minutes)
Do 300-500 strokes/day at medium-full strength for the next week.(15 minutes)
Do 500 or more strokes/day from then on, and strong as you can make them. (20 minutes)
(If you find yourself getting an erection during this exercise, squeeze harder to discourage it or simply wait until it subsides. You can encourage circulation afterward by slapping your penis up and down 25 - 50 times. Do this exercise 5 days a week. Remember to keep your penis only partially erect. If you feel the urge to ejaculate, pause milking and wait for the urge to subside. Holding back is an exercise in restraint, which instills a sense of self-control.)
After your workout, gently massage your penis for several minutes. If you prefer, you can do this with an herbal enlargement cream. After massage, you can either apply another hot compress as you did at the beginning of your workout, or you can place your penis in a bowl of lukewarm water for another few minutes. Dry off well with a towel.
Well, that's the workout. These are the exercises, the "secrets", that are going to give you a longer, thicker, stronger penis.. a firmer fatter erection.. better orgasms....and lifelong sexual vigor! Do this Workout Program 5 DAYS A WEEK, and YOU WILL HAVE PERMANENT GROWTH!! IT REALLY WORKS!
Many men, it seems, are very unhappy with the way that their erect penis curves. It's a statement of fact that every penis is shaped differently., some curve, some don't. The following technique will help you correct your penis curvature. 100% correction is not always accomplished, but the majority of men who use this technique DO experience significant success.
Please note that possessing a curved penis does NOT mean that you have Peyronies Disease. Peyronies is a more serious condition characterized by the formation of plaque on one side of the penis. This Curvature Correction technique is NOT recommended for men with Peyronies. You should see a doctor or urologist for treatment suggestions if you think you have that condition.
How does curvature correction work? It stands to reason that if your penis bends to one side, you need to apply a technique that bends it back toward the other. This method is very simple to perform, but (just like all of the techniques in our manual) caution must still be exercised. Don't bend the penis so hard that you cause damage to yourself. Bend it just hard enough to a feel bit of tightness in the shaft. You are essentially "training" your penis to point the other direction. It may take a few months, but eventually you should see a noticeable difference in your curvature.
It's best to be seated for this method. The penis should be fully erect and lubricated.
1. With your thumb and forefinger in a ring, get a firm grip around the base of the penis. Don't grab the scrotum.. you might squeeze one of your testicles (ouch!). You will hold the penis base throughout the entire exercise. Just as with any jelq method, you want to trap the blood within the penis.
2. Take your free hand and get a firm grasp near the penis base, just above your other hand. Slowly stroke the shaft toward the head of the penis, but stopping just below the glans. Hold it there for about 10 seconds. You now have one hand on the base of the penis and the other just below the head. The blood is trapped compactly inside the shaft.
3. With the hand that is underneath the head, gently start pulling the penis outward. You want to gradually stretch the penis so that it is as erect as it can possibly get. It should feel very hard now. Its capacity is at its greatest.
4. With the same hand, stretch your penis so that it faces the opposite direction of your bend. In other words, if your penis bends to the right, stretch it to the left. Bend it as far as it will go WITHOUT HURTING YOURSELF! Once you feel a good tightness, hold that position for a good 15 seconds.
5. Now, jelq the penis as you normally would, EXCEPT stroke the penis from base to head in that same direction (the direction that you want the penis to bend). Do about 200-300 strokes. Every 10 strokes or so, stretch the penis as you did in Step #4, then continue jelqing.
This exercise CAN be done in conjunction with the other exercises in the Workout. Just make sure your penis isn't getting too sore or red. If you need to take a break between exercises, by all means, do!
This section is devoted to all of those great secrets that will turn your mild mannered ordinary penis into a very powerful instrument.
Alright. Let's Begin.
The Program (Review each exercise if necessary)
Hot Compress (5 minutes)
Stretching Exercise (25 to 30 minutes)
Growth and Circulation Exercise (1 minute)
Jelqing Exercise (10 to 20 minutes)
Massage and Hot Application (5 to 10 minutes)
HOT COMPRESS (5 minutes)
Soak a wash cloth in hot-warm water, wringing out the excess water. Wrap the cloth around the shaft of your penis (either flaccid or erect). Hold it there a minute, then repeat a couple of times. Dry off your penis well. This will ensure a good grip for the exercises you're about to perform.
STRETCHING EXERCISE (25 to 30 minutes)
1. With the penis in its flaccid state, take one hand and grip firmly around the head of your penis. Be careful not to cut off too much circulation.
2. Pull your penis out directly in front of yourself. Stretch it as much as you can without causing pain or discomfort. Hold it there for 5 minutes. After each minute, pull it out slightly further each time.
3. Relax for one minute. "Twirl" your penis in a circular motion about 30 times. This gets the circulation flowing again.
4. Repeat Step Two again 4 times, except pull your penis in a different direction each time.. up, down, to the left, and to the right. After each 5 minute pull, repeat Step 3.
5. After you've completed 5 pulls (5 minutes each), pull your penis out directly in front of you one more time. Give it a good 1-minute stretch and 10 slight "tugs" outward, not jerking too hard.
Take the penis and whip it around gently. Whip it no more than 30 times, making sure you cup your scrotum with the other hand, otherwise it will bounce around and get hurt.
JELQING (MILKING) EXERCISE (10 to 20 minutes)
1. Using Massage Oil, Hemp Oil, or Vaseline for lubrication, slide your fingers over the skin of your penis and apply all over. A few drops of oil will last for several hundred strokes. Don't use soap or you'll be sore for days!
2. With your thumb and forefinger, squeeze the base of the penis shaft. Pull downward. Stop at the head. Repeat, alternating hands. Make each stroke last about three seconds.
3. When your penis becomes SEMI-ERECT, make the American "A-OK" sign with the thumb and forefinger of your left hand. With this hand, grip tightly around the base of your penis.
4. Starting from the base, pull the penis gently but firmly. Stretch downward and outward. You should still be in a semi-erect state. Make sure to touch the penis from the base to the head. Note that the head of your penis expands with blood.
5. Alternate both hands in a smooth rhythmic ("milking") motion, touching upon every part of the penis except the very top-middle part.
Do 200-300 strokes/day at medium strength for the first week.(10 minutes)
Do 300-500 strokes/day at medium-full strength for the next week.(15 minutes)
Do 500 or more strokes/day from then on, and strong as you can make them. (20 minutes)
(If you find yourself getting an erection during this exercise, squeeze harder to discourage it or simply wait until it subsides. You can encourage circulation afterward by slapping your penis up and down 25 - 50 times. Do this exercise 5 days a week. Remember to keep your penis only partially erect. If you feel the urge to ejaculate, pause milking and wait for the urge to subside. Holding back is an exercise in restraint, which instills a sense of self-control.)
After your workout, gently massage your penis for several minutes. If you prefer, you can do this with an herbal enlargement cream. After massage, you can either apply another hot compress as you did at the beginning of your workout, or you can place your penis in a bowl of lukewarm water for another few minutes. Dry off well with a towel.
Well, that's the workout. These are the exercises, the "secrets", that are going to give you a longer, thicker, stronger penis.. a firmer fatter erection.. better orgasms....and lifelong sexual vigor! Do this Workout Program 5 DAYS A WEEK, and YOU WILL HAVE PERMANENT GROWTH!! IT REALLY WORKS!
Many men, it seems, are very unhappy with the way that their erect penis curves. It's a statement of fact that every penis is shaped differently., some curve, some don't. The following technique will help you correct your penis curvature. 100% correction is not always accomplished, but the majority of men who use this technique DO experience significant success.
Please note that possessing a curved penis does NOT mean that you have Peyronies Disease. Peyronies is a more serious condition characterized by the formation of plaque on one side of the penis. This Curvature Correction technique is NOT recommended for men with Peyronies. You should see a doctor or urologist for treatment suggestions if you think you have that condition.
How does curvature correction work? It stands to reason that if your penis bends to one side, you need to apply a technique that bends it back toward the other. This method is very simple to perform, but (just like all of the techniques in our manual) caution must still be exercised. Don't bend the penis so hard that you cause damage to yourself. Bend it just hard enough to a feel bit of tightness in the shaft. You are essentially "training" your penis to point the other direction. It may take a few months, but eventually you should see a noticeable difference in your curvature.
It's best to be seated for this method. The penis should be fully erect and lubricated.
1. With your thumb and forefinger in a ring, get a firm grip around the base of the penis. Don't grab the scrotum.. you might squeeze one of your testicles (ouch!). You will hold the penis base throughout the entire exercise. Just as with any jelq method, you want to trap the blood within the penis.
2. Take your free hand and get a firm grasp near the penis base, just above your other hand. Slowly stroke the shaft toward the head of the penis, but stopping just below the glans. Hold it there for about 10 seconds. You now have one hand on the base of the penis and the other just below the head. The blood is trapped compactly inside the shaft.
3. With the hand that is underneath the head, gently start pulling the penis outward. You want to gradually stretch the penis so that it is as erect as it can possibly get. It should feel very hard now. Its capacity is at its greatest.
4. With the same hand, stretch your penis so that it faces the opposite direction of your bend. In other words, if your penis bends to the right, stretch it to the left. Bend it as far as it will go WITHOUT HURTING YOURSELF! Once you feel a good tightness, hold that position for a good 15 seconds.
5. Now, jelq the penis as you normally would, EXCEPT stroke the penis from base to head in that same direction (the direction that you want the penis to bend). Do about 200-300 strokes. Every 10 strokes or so, stretch the penis as you did in Step #4, then continue jelqing.
This exercise CAN be done in conjunction with the other exercises in the Workout. Just make sure your penis isn't getting too sore or red. If you need to take a break between exercises, by all means, do!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Analysis of Premature Ejaculation
I would first like to say to all the men out there that it has been scientifically studied that 1 in 3 men ejaculates quicker than they want to. Sex therapists prefer to use the term "Involuntary Ejaculation" since the key to controlling it revolves around gaining voluntary control. Premature Ejaculation ranks as one of the top male sex problems.
The following are some tips and exercises that will assist you in learning to control this problem:
For starters, you might drink a glass of wine before having sex. Alcohol may relax you just enough to delay your ejaculation. Or there's the old tried and true practice of masturbating a few hours before making love. If you "take care of your business" early (Watch "There's Something About Mary" again), it will take you longer to ejaculate when the time comes to do it with your partner. The best method for reducing the chances of premature ejaculation is one that we mentioned in the previous section Give Your PC Muscles a Squeeze. Review our discussion of Kegel (PC) Muscles if you've forgotten where these muscles are located. Strong PC muscles operate like a good set of brakes in your car- by contracting the muscles, you can control your arousal the same way you use your brakes to control speed. In the broadest terms of how to apply this muscle when making love, you prolong orgasms by a simulation of "stopping your urination in midstream". Learn the powers of these muscles and how to use them. They will work wonders in the bedroom! Masters and Johnson developed a method called The Squeeze Technique to help with premature ejaculation.It's fairly simple.When you feel yourself getting close to orgasm, withdraw your penis from the vagina.Then place the first 2 fingers of either hand on the underside of the penis, place your thumb on the top, and then squeeze. You can do this yourself, or you can have your partner squeeze the head of the penis between her thumb and fingers. Since your penis is erect, it won't really hurt if she gives it an intense squeeze.
An old Taoist method for delaying ejaculation is performed by Pressing The Million Dollar Point. This Point is located on your perineum just in front of the anus. You will feel a slight indentation when you push at the right spot.When you approach ejaculation, take your finger and push it up into the Million Dollar Point, all the way to the first joint of your finger.This will help delay ejaculation by interrupting the ejaculatory reflex.This technique is great because you can use it without having to withdraw your penis from the vagina. Another simple method is called Scrotal Tugging. As the name implies, you simply pull your testicles away from your body to delay ejaculation.This is accomplished by circling the top of your scrotal sac with your thumb and forefinger, then pulling down firmly. You can learn to tolerate long periods of sexual pleasure without ejaculating once you learn to recognize the feelings that precede your orgasm. There is an exercise you can try called The "One to Ten" Approach. Imagine that the scale of pleasure runs from 1 to 10: 1 you are just starting to feel aroused; 10 you have an orgasm and ejaculate. Therefore 9, the point just before your orgasm, is your "Point Of No Return. Try masturbating. When you reach your magic point 8, stop and let the urge to ejaculate subside. Then start masturbating again. Do this a few times. Masturbate, stop, masturbate. At the end of 15 minutes you can ejaculate (if you wish). Repeat this technique until you are able to enjoy your arousal without ejaculating for 15 minutes.
Finally, the oldest, simplest & best method for learning ejaculatory control is called the Locking Method (or "Stop-Start" Method). When having sex, if you feel yourself becoming too excited.. simply withdraw your penis from the vagina and pull back so that only the head of your penis remains inside her. Then just remain motionless for 15 - 30 seconds. Wait for the urge to subside, then back to where you left off.
The following are some tips and exercises that will assist you in learning to control this problem:
For starters, you might drink a glass of wine before having sex. Alcohol may relax you just enough to delay your ejaculation. Or there's the old tried and true practice of masturbating a few hours before making love. If you "take care of your business" early (Watch "There's Something About Mary" again), it will take you longer to ejaculate when the time comes to do it with your partner. The best method for reducing the chances of premature ejaculation is one that we mentioned in the previous section Give Your PC Muscles a Squeeze. Review our discussion of Kegel (PC) Muscles if you've forgotten where these muscles are located. Strong PC muscles operate like a good set of brakes in your car- by contracting the muscles, you can control your arousal the same way you use your brakes to control speed. In the broadest terms of how to apply this muscle when making love, you prolong orgasms by a simulation of "stopping your urination in midstream". Learn the powers of these muscles and how to use them. They will work wonders in the bedroom! Masters and Johnson developed a method called The Squeeze Technique to help with premature ejaculation.It's fairly simple.When you feel yourself getting close to orgasm, withdraw your penis from the vagina.Then place the first 2 fingers of either hand on the underside of the penis, place your thumb on the top, and then squeeze. You can do this yourself, or you can have your partner squeeze the head of the penis between her thumb and fingers. Since your penis is erect, it won't really hurt if she gives it an intense squeeze.
An old Taoist method for delaying ejaculation is performed by Pressing The Million Dollar Point. This Point is located on your perineum just in front of the anus. You will feel a slight indentation when you push at the right spot.When you approach ejaculation, take your finger and push it up into the Million Dollar Point, all the way to the first joint of your finger.This will help delay ejaculation by interrupting the ejaculatory reflex.This technique is great because you can use it without having to withdraw your penis from the vagina. Another simple method is called Scrotal Tugging. As the name implies, you simply pull your testicles away from your body to delay ejaculation.This is accomplished by circling the top of your scrotal sac with your thumb and forefinger, then pulling down firmly. You can learn to tolerate long periods of sexual pleasure without ejaculating once you learn to recognize the feelings that precede your orgasm. There is an exercise you can try called The "One to Ten" Approach. Imagine that the scale of pleasure runs from 1 to 10: 1 you are just starting to feel aroused; 10 you have an orgasm and ejaculate. Therefore 9, the point just before your orgasm, is your "Point Of No Return. Try masturbating. When you reach your magic point 8, stop and let the urge to ejaculate subside. Then start masturbating again. Do this a few times. Masturbate, stop, masturbate. At the end of 15 minutes you can ejaculate (if you wish). Repeat this technique until you are able to enjoy your arousal without ejaculating for 15 minutes.
Finally, the oldest, simplest & best method for learning ejaculatory control is called the Locking Method (or "Stop-Start" Method). When having sex, if you feel yourself becoming too excited.. simply withdraw your penis from the vagina and pull back so that only the head of your penis remains inside her. Then just remain motionless for 15 - 30 seconds. Wait for the urge to subside, then back to where you left off.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
"Kegel" Exercises have long been regarded as the one thing that a man can do to improve his sexual performance, these Kegel exercises are some of the most IMPORTANT exercises you'll ever learn in your life! Mastering these techniques can help:
• Give you stronger erections
• Create intense, even multiple, orgasms
• Control your ejaculations
• Shorten the recovery time between orgasms
• Give you a healthy prostate

The PC muscle (or pubococcygeal muscle) is actually a group of pelvic muscles that form the basis for your sexual health. They run from your pubic bone in the front to your tailbone in the back. You can feel this muscle at your perineum, just behind your testicles and in front of your anus. In addition to controlling urination with other pelvic muscles, the PC muscle is what helps bring a man or woman to climax. For men, this is the muscle that involuntarily "pumps" when you ejaculate.
• Strengthening and learning to control this muscle, you will find, is THE sex secret.
These Kegel exercises (which were named after Arnold Kegel, M.D., the gynecologist who developed them in the 1950's) involve doing a set of easy-to-learn pelvic-muscle exercises. This is a FOOLPROOF way for men to boost their partners' and their own pleasure during lovemaking. Women have already been using their PC muscles for years to help them get sexually aroused easier, lubricate faster, and have more and better orgasms.
First you must Locate Your PC Muscle. It's actually easier for men to locate this muscle and do Kegel Exercises than it is for women. Simply stop your urine midstream when you urinate. You can feel the muscle working as you clamp down.If you have a strong PC Muscle, you should be able to stop the flow of urine midstream and then start it again.If this is a difficult chore for you, then your PC Muscle is weak. Stopping the flow of urine not only teaches you how to find the PC muscle, but gets you started on your exercises. Stop and restart your urination 5 times during every trip to the bathroom. Using your ability to stop the flow of urine will eventually help you control your ejaculations.
Time-honored Taoist healing techniques refer to this process simply as "tightening the anus". You can flex the PC muscle quickly and repeatedly, or clench tight and hold for as long as you can. This latter exercise is tougher than it sounds, yet this is the exercise that the sex gurus say will help you prolong your erections and increase the force with which you ejaculate.
"Kegel" Exercises have long been regarded as the one thing that a man can do to improve his sexual performance, these Kegel exercises are some of the most IMPORTANT exercises you'll ever learn in your life! Mastering these techniques can help:
• Give you stronger erections
• Create intense, even multiple, orgasms
• Control your ejaculations
• Shorten the recovery time between orgasms
• Give you a healthy prostate

The PC muscle (or pubococcygeal muscle) is actually a group of pelvic muscles that form the basis for your sexual health. They run from your pubic bone in the front to your tailbone in the back. You can feel this muscle at your perineum, just behind your testicles and in front of your anus. In addition to controlling urination with other pelvic muscles, the PC muscle is what helps bring a man or woman to climax. For men, this is the muscle that involuntarily "pumps" when you ejaculate.
• Strengthening and learning to control this muscle, you will find, is THE sex secret.
These Kegel exercises (which were named after Arnold Kegel, M.D., the gynecologist who developed them in the 1950's) involve doing a set of easy-to-learn pelvic-muscle exercises. This is a FOOLPROOF way for men to boost their partners' and their own pleasure during lovemaking. Women have already been using their PC muscles for years to help them get sexually aroused easier, lubricate faster, and have more and better orgasms.
First you must Locate Your PC Muscle. It's actually easier for men to locate this muscle and do Kegel Exercises than it is for women. Simply stop your urine midstream when you urinate. You can feel the muscle working as you clamp down.If you have a strong PC Muscle, you should be able to stop the flow of urine midstream and then start it again.If this is a difficult chore for you, then your PC Muscle is weak. Stopping the flow of urine not only teaches you how to find the PC muscle, but gets you started on your exercises. Stop and restart your urination 5 times during every trip to the bathroom. Using your ability to stop the flow of urine will eventually help you control your ejaculations.
Time-honored Taoist healing techniques refer to this process simply as "tightening the anus". You can flex the PC muscle quickly and repeatedly, or clench tight and hold for as long as you can. This latter exercise is tougher than it sounds, yet this is the exercise that the sex gurus say will help you prolong your erections and increase the force with which you ejaculate.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Best foods for sexual proper function
This is where good sexual health really begins .. the food that you put into your body. Your diet is the biggest factor in determining both your energy level and your sexual performance.
So what then are the best foods for sexual energy? Here is the premium list, broken down by the nutrients that they contain.
Best foods for sexual proper function:
Vitamin B1 - Beans, peas, lentils, raw nuts, yogurt, pork, brown rice, whole grain flour.
Vitamin B3 (niacin) - brewer's yeast, peanuts, swordfish, beets, salmon, tuna, pork.
Vitamin B6 - (pyridoxine) - Sunflower seeds, tuna, bananas, eggs, carrots, avocados, carrots, lentils, shrimp.
Folic acid - green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, cheese, tuna, salmon, chick peas, lentils.
Vitamin C - citrus fruits, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables.
Vitamin E - nuts, seeds, wheat germ, egg yolks, spinach, oils.
Beta carotene ( a form of vitamin A) - Yellow and red fruits and vegetables.
Zinc - oysters, beans, peas, lentils, spinach, sunflower seeds, pumpkin, beef, turkey, pork, molasses.
Selenium - yeast, whole grains
So what then are the best foods for sexual energy? Here is the premium list, broken down by the nutrients that they contain.
Best foods for sexual proper function:
Vitamin B1 - Beans, peas, lentils, raw nuts, yogurt, pork, brown rice, whole grain flour.
Vitamin B3 (niacin) - brewer's yeast, peanuts, swordfish, beets, salmon, tuna, pork.
Vitamin B6 - (pyridoxine) - Sunflower seeds, tuna, bananas, eggs, carrots, avocados, carrots, lentils, shrimp.
Folic acid - green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, cheese, tuna, salmon, chick peas, lentils.
Vitamin C - citrus fruits, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables.
Vitamin E - nuts, seeds, wheat germ, egg yolks, spinach, oils.
Beta carotene ( a form of vitamin A) - Yellow and red fruits and vegetables.
Zinc - oysters, beans, peas, lentils, spinach, sunflower seeds, pumpkin, beef, turkey, pork, molasses.
Selenium - yeast, whole grains
Our Top 10 Weight Loss Suggestions!
We all that we should exercise and most know that we don't nearly do as much as we should. So some of this information you may already know. But we feel it needs repeating. If you want to make yourself attractive to girls because yes they are as shallow as us men they do look at the body first (including your package), you've got to spend the necessary time working on your personal appearance. Being fit does not need to be a chore. The easiest way is to exercise using something you enjoy or feel is fun & make it part of your daily routine, like brushing your teeth. Because dropping a few pounds is more beneficial than just looking good it will have a lasting effect on your self confidence too. So lose that gut, strengthen those thighs, boost those biceps, it all adds up to the "Finished Product".
Taking pride in your body helps accomplish two things: (1) Making yourself more desirable to the opposite sex, and (2) Giving yourself incredible self-esteem and confidence. That second point is the most important lesson that you'll find in this entire manual. Generally men between the ages of 30 and 50 gain a pound a year, and where does it go? Right to your waist.The best thing for this is a general aerobics workout, starting at 20 to 30 minutes three days a week, and increasing this to 30 or 40 minutes four to six days a week.
Here are some easy and effective Weight Loss/Fitness Tips. Cautionary note: you should consult your physician before beginning any fitness plan.
Choose activities that you ENJOY.
Our Top 10 Weight Loss Suggestions!
Set realistic weight loss goals.
Invest in a Personal Trainer.
Eat more fruit.
No more salt!
Drink more water.
Walk, Walk, Walk!
If you can't last through the entire 30 minute workout, commit to three 10 minute workout sessions.
Fry less, bake/broil more.
Do 5 sit-ups each morning. Only Five.
Do NOT skip breakfast.
Keep a journal.
We all that we should exercise and most know that we don't nearly do as much as we should. So some of this information you may already know. But we feel it needs repeating. If you want to make yourself attractive to girls because yes they are as shallow as us men they do look at the body first (including your package), you've got to spend the necessary time working on your personal appearance. Being fit does not need to be a chore. The easiest way is to exercise using something you enjoy or feel is fun & make it part of your daily routine, like brushing your teeth. Because dropping a few pounds is more beneficial than just looking good it will have a lasting effect on your self confidence too. So lose that gut, strengthen those thighs, boost those biceps, it all adds up to the "Finished Product".
Taking pride in your body helps accomplish two things: (1) Making yourself more desirable to the opposite sex, and (2) Giving yourself incredible self-esteem and confidence. That second point is the most important lesson that you'll find in this entire manual. Generally men between the ages of 30 and 50 gain a pound a year, and where does it go? Right to your waist.The best thing for this is a general aerobics workout, starting at 20 to 30 minutes three days a week, and increasing this to 30 or 40 minutes four to six days a week.
Here are some easy and effective Weight Loss/Fitness Tips. Cautionary note: you should consult your physician before beginning any fitness plan.
Choose activities that you ENJOY.
Our Top 10 Weight Loss Suggestions!
Set realistic weight loss goals.
Invest in a Personal Trainer.
Eat more fruit.
No more salt!
Drink more water.
Walk, Walk, Walk!
If you can't last through the entire 30 minute workout, commit to three 10 minute workout sessions.
Fry less, bake/broil more.
Do 5 sit-ups each morning. Only Five.
Do NOT skip breakfast.
Keep a journal.
Fitness Tips,
Get Fit,
Loose Weight,
Weight Loss
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Your overall sexual health can be significantly enhanced by specific vitamins, herbs and supplements which you should add to your daily diet, if you're not already getting sufficient amounts in the food you consume. Not only will they provide you with extraordinary energy, they can greatly enhance your sex drive and pump up your sensual passion.
As with most things in life it is best to buy top grade items and Herbal Supplements are no different. You will pay a little more, but the results are noticeably better (and better for you) than cheap "bargain-brand" supplements.
We suggest that you take a multi-vitamin containing the following,
* 2,000 mg of vitamin C 2 or 3 times a day
* 30 mg of zinc
* 10,000 units (IU) of mixed carotenes.
* 100 mg of vitamin A
* 200 mg of Magnesium
* 80 mg of coenzyme Q
* 100 i.u. of vitamin D
* 50 mg of thiamin
Additional supplements that can be taken for greater sexual performance:
* 525 mg of Calcium
* 200 meg of Vitamin B12
* 150 mg of Vitamin E
* 25 meg of Potassium
* 300 meg of Biotin
* 200 meg of selenium
* 400 meg of Folic Acid
In addition to this we do suggest that you drink lots of water! 150 - 200 ounces of pure bottled water every day is a wonderful healing nutrient. Not to mention adding that extra bit of boost needed to get you through your normal daily routines.
In todays busy world it is a well known fact that most of us do not follow a strict healthy diet, and we eat fried foods and fast food which have very little nutritional value, and can in fact be detrimental to your health.
So for most of us it is important to supplement these important nutrients to make sure our bodies have what it needs to perform its functions properly and prevent the onset of illness and disease.
Your overall sexual health can be significantly enhanced by specific vitamins, herbs and supplements which you should add to your daily diet, if you're not already getting sufficient amounts in the food you consume. Not only will they provide you with extraordinary energy, they can greatly enhance your sex drive and pump up your sensual passion.
As with most things in life it is best to buy top grade items and Herbal Supplements are no different. You will pay a little more, but the results are noticeably better (and better for you) than cheap "bargain-brand" supplements.
We suggest that you take a multi-vitamin containing the following,
* 2,000 mg of vitamin C 2 or 3 times a day
* 30 mg of zinc
* 10,000 units (IU) of mixed carotenes.
* 100 mg of vitamin A
* 200 mg of Magnesium
* 80 mg of coenzyme Q
* 100 i.u. of vitamin D
* 50 mg of thiamin
Additional supplements that can be taken for greater sexual performance:
* 525 mg of Calcium
* 200 meg of Vitamin B12
* 150 mg of Vitamin E
* 25 meg of Potassium
* 300 meg of Biotin
* 200 meg of selenium
* 400 meg of Folic Acid
In addition to this we do suggest that you drink lots of water! 150 - 200 ounces of pure bottled water every day is a wonderful healing nutrient. Not to mention adding that extra bit of boost needed to get you through your normal daily routines.
In todays busy world it is a well known fact that most of us do not follow a strict healthy diet, and we eat fried foods and fast food which have very little nutritional value, and can in fact be detrimental to your health.
So for most of us it is important to supplement these important nutrients to make sure our bodies have what it needs to perform its functions properly and prevent the onset of illness and disease.
sensual passion,
sex drive
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Improving Self Esteem and Confidence
What is it exactly that has you lacking confidence? Your looks? Your inexperience with women? Your lack of social graces?? Only YOU can determine the factors that inhibit you from a good self-image.And only YOU can change those factors.
A poor self-image or low self-esteem directly affects the way that you behave toward others.That dreaded "fear of rejection" can make you shy or overeager to please. Your insecurities can induce jealousy, damaging any hope of a relationship.Your self-esteem has a direct bearing on your confidence and ability to attract others.If you see yourself in a bad light, chances are that others do as well. By the same token, if you think that you're a pretty good guy, women will take notice.
When you have positive self-esteem, you feel that you are worth something. Don't EVER think that you can't change the image that you project to others! There's a lot that you can do to not only build up your own self-esteem, but to change the way that others see you.
• if you're overweight.. go on a diet.
• if you're scrawny.. start a workout program.
• if you're going bald.. look into a hair-growth system like Propecia.
• if you're shy.. practice assertiveness.
• if you're embarrassed about your penis size.. read the next section of this manual!
Whatever it is that's making you feel bad about yourself, CHANGE IT! Attitude IS everything. Some of the most unattractive guys in the world are able to get women, and you know why?Because they BELIEVE they are attractive. Attitude is everything!
Remember the Number 1 Golden Rule is:
What is it exactly that has you lacking confidence? Your looks? Your inexperience with women? Your lack of social graces?? Only YOU can determine the factors that inhibit you from a good self-image.And only YOU can change those factors.
A poor self-image or low self-esteem directly affects the way that you behave toward others.That dreaded "fear of rejection" can make you shy or overeager to please. Your insecurities can induce jealousy, damaging any hope of a relationship.Your self-esteem has a direct bearing on your confidence and ability to attract others.If you see yourself in a bad light, chances are that others do as well. By the same token, if you think that you're a pretty good guy, women will take notice.
When you have positive self-esteem, you feel that you are worth something. Don't EVER think that you can't change the image that you project to others! There's a lot that you can do to not only build up your own self-esteem, but to change the way that others see you.
• if you're overweight.. go on a diet.
• if you're scrawny.. start a workout program.
• if you're going bald.. look into a hair-growth system like Propecia.
• if you're shy.. practice assertiveness.
• if you're embarrassed about your penis size.. read the next section of this manual!
Whatever it is that's making you feel bad about yourself, CHANGE IT! Attitude IS everything. Some of the most unattractive guys in the world are able to get women, and you know why?Because they BELIEVE they are attractive. Attitude is everything!
Remember the Number 1 Golden Rule is:
Disclaimer, For Top Sex Tips
The information enclosed in the Top Sex Tips Guide For Men and all content within is NOT to be taken as medical advice or to be used instead of seeking medical attention. Our company is a research organization, and the material in this site should be viewed strictly as information. We shall not be held responsible for any injuries and/or health problems sustained either directly or indirectly as a result of the contents herein. If you are seeking a MEDICAL solution with regards to any sexual or otherwise, disease or ailment or disorder, you should consult a doctor, urologist or specialist. Before continuing on from this page, every reader/customer legally agrees to assume all responsibility for their actions.
Legal Notice,
Medical Advise,
Sexual Ailment,
Sexual Disease
Introduction on how to be a better lover.
These pages of this blog will eventually contain a wealth of sex tips, suggestions, techniques, and secrets. They are all designed to you transform yourself into the ideal man and lover. A stud, a sex god, a sexual dynamo, a gigolo. We don't plan to waste your time discussing the vast differences between men and women,( because there are too many to list) or analyze the psychological and metaphysical aspects of the mind that mold the sexes. This blog is a very practical and physical method of teaching you. We offer simple and helpful tips that WILL turn you into a better lover... a better man.
We are currently assembling all the information so that we can add it to the entries of this blog, we have researched over 100 sources of sexual data! From books on male sexuality to self-help gurus to renowned sex therapists.... we've included ONLY THE BEST AND MOST USEFUL INFORMATION. Whether you're a novice in the art of love making or a seasoned veteran, there's something for every man here. The "secrets" we share aren't as mysterious as they sound. There's probably going to be a lot of stuff included here that you probably already know. But we're confident that we've included some eye-opening tidbits that will surprise and enlighten you.
We'll tell you how to improve yourself (including ALL of the Penis Enlargement secrets that you find on those other sites!), how to meet and talk to women, how to seduce them, how to pleasure them in ways you never thought possible, how to pleasure YOURSELF in ways you never thought possible! It's all here, along with equally useful information on sexual health, energy and endurance.
So let's get started. We've broken this handbook style blog into Seven Sections, but feel free to skip around and view any content that you wish. We will be adding the entries in no particular order but you can navigate through the links and sections via the menu on the right hand side of the blog.
We are currently assembling all the information so that we can add it to the entries of this blog, we have researched over 100 sources of sexual data! From books on male sexuality to self-help gurus to renowned sex therapists.... we've included ONLY THE BEST AND MOST USEFUL INFORMATION. Whether you're a novice in the art of love making or a seasoned veteran, there's something for every man here. The "secrets" we share aren't as mysterious as they sound. There's probably going to be a lot of stuff included here that you probably already know. But we're confident that we've included some eye-opening tidbits that will surprise and enlighten you.

Amazing Secrets that will enhance your love life and your general wellbeing.
We'll tell you how to improve yourself (including ALL of the Penis Enlargement secrets that you find on those other sites!), how to meet and talk to women, how to seduce them, how to pleasure them in ways you never thought possible, how to pleasure YOURSELF in ways you never thought possible! It's all here, along with equally useful information on sexual health, energy and endurance.
So let's get started. We've broken this handbook style blog into Seven Sections, but feel free to skip around and view any content that you wish. We will be adding the entries in no particular order but you can navigate through the links and sections via the menu on the right hand side of the blog.
We Hope You Learn Heaps and most of all Enjoy.
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